Log Entry #DEV-01

Subject ID: VM-27-05

Codename: Santander


The Subject shows enthusiasm and is willing to move the experiment forward. 

As of May 12th 2023 the subject has made contact with a familiar specimen, making an effort to work with him in order to complete the task at hand. 

A third subject has been introduced in the experiment codenamed: The Writer, which has prompted positive reactions from the referenced subject seeming more motivated to keep working. 

Subject VM-27-05 has mostly began to lay the groundwork together with [REDACTED] having as of the previous date created an itch.io page as well as the necessary repositories for the final product.

The following tasks will be introduced in order to obtain more data:

-Writing of the Desing Document

-Research into the favorable game engine


The Administration

Get Redacted

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